Monday, January 23, 2012

When I Got Insane

So, what do I do lately? (webcam moment, with my lovely pajama. Please mind my messy bedroom >,<)

 I have to read this book because of my exams...

First moment of reading this book

Read the book....

 Somehow, I got this face. Hahaha..

Istirahat bentar. But, I really hope to finish my exam, soalnya lagi ngebet banget baca buku yang satu ini..


Hmmm.. Istirahatnya ngebayangin rencana liburan aja deh..*padahal masih ada ujian sampe Jum'at depan :(

Tapi, narsis-narsisan itu tetep nggak boleh lupa. Hehehe...

Keep spirit...!! Tuntaskan semua ujian dan raih nilai A. Amiiin Ya Allah ..!!


Putri Lovita 

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