Sunday, January 13, 2013

First Post for 2013

Alhamdulillah. Udah hari ke 13 di tahun 2013. So, I'll share some story about my life in this almost-half January 2013.

Tanggal 4 Januari 2013 lalu, aku maju sidang proposal skripsi dan Alhamdulillah dilancarkan oleh Allah. Syukur tiada henti atas semua limpahan rahmat-Nya. Sekarang aku sedang sibuk mengurus penelitian supaya bisa sidang skripsi secepatnya. Aamiin Ya Rabb :)

Btw, I celebrated my 22nd birthday on last December 2nd. So, on January 6th, my boarding house's mates asked me to have some dinner with them. Yeah, I think that would be so much fun, also I want to get some relax time after the "Sidang proposal".

nori : How about this one and this one?
Kak lia : Hmmm.. Let me think.. Arrgghh.. It's so hard to choose. I want all of them


Putri Lovita